Nevada Youth Waterfowl Day

2015 NV Youth Waterfowl Day

 Presented by:
Canvasback Gun Club
Nevada Ducks Unlimited
Nevada Waterfowl Association

WHO: Anyone under 15. Please copy this form and give to your friends!!!!! Parents are welcome to come. (We can always use a few more volunteers to help.)

WHAT: This event is put on each year to educate young people about waterfowl, the importance of marsh habitat and activities associated with the sport of duck and goose hunting as well as other outdoor activities. Bird banding, gun dog demonstrations, boat rides in the marsh, clay target shooting, archery, duck calling, decoy painting art, games, raffle, lunch and more will be included as available. Join us for a fun day in the Stillwater Marsh.

WHEN: Saturday, July 11, 2015, 8:15a.m. – 1:30p.m.


2015 Nevada Youth Waterfowl Day Sign Up Form